Tunnelblick musik
Tunnelblick musik

tunnelblick musik tunnelblick musik

He told People magazine in February 1976 that, "I wanted to do in art what Beethoven had done in music.

tunnelblick musik

Sky eventually got $3,000 from the Arts Commission, went to work in February 1975, and completed the trompe-l'oeil mural in October of that year. It wouldn't fund the artwork, either, but the bank did agree to let Sky paint the mural on one of its outside walls - under the condition that Sky would paint it over if the bank didn't like it, and that he wasn't a communist. Sky applied to the South Carolina Arts Commission several times before the Commission accepted his concept design, but it wouldn't fund the project (At the time, there wasn't a single outdoor mural anywhere in South Carolina). and that's when the idea for Tunnelvision came to him in a dream: an outdoor wall-size mural of the setting - or possibly rising - sun, visible through a highway tunnel blasted out of solid rock. Until 1974, "Blue Sky" was an artist named Warren Edward Johnson who painted on canvas and lived in Columbia, South Carolina.

Tunnelblick musik